Modern businesses, especially client service-focused ones, have countless touchstones with clients. Their focus is on best serving the needs of others. Using your “manner words” is an important way to show appreciation, but it shouldn’t stop there. Each touchstone should be an opportunity to say thanks. Beyond words, however, is the in-house award nomination.
In the legal arena, several award selection processes ask for client references and feedback. Clients who participate in surveys often do so to help those who have helped them. This shows gratitude for guidance through their business or personal challenges.
So why not return the favor?
Several of the outlets that recognize firm-side lawyers also have general counsel recognitions, opening a terrific opportunity for law firms. Additionally, one should consider the industry of the client. Are they GCs or chief legal officers at a tech company? A healthcare organization? In specific industry publications, they may be eligible for the same awards you are or even opportunities that aren’t solely legal-focused.
Submitting clients for select opportunities can benefit all parties in a few ways:
- Deepen your own firm knowledge and branding as experts in the industry.
- Show yourself as invested in the outlet’s journalism.
- Expand your tools for client service and maybe eventual recruiting.
- Deepen your relationship with that specific client.
Note that this is not intended to be a commoditization of relationships. The effort for a nomination is enough that it should not be something done for all clients, nor presented from a place of anything but thankfulness, acknowledgment and respect for the client and the work they are doing.
Done well, an award nomination can provide a distinct way to support your clients as people, recognize the projects they spend much of their work lives focused on and celebrate, together, what you’ve been able to accomplish.
How We Can Help
Poston Content has a team of experienced writers and researchers with many years of awards experience. We can advise you on the best awards opportunities and create a strategy for both you and your clients. Our team can also help you with the submission, conducting interviews and writing award responses and more.